star trek sulu

According to the video game Star Trek: Starship Creator, Sulu married a woman named Yoshika. ", "Why do people have to call inanimate objects 'she'? In the first draft of "Court Martial", he was mistakenly referred to as "Sumo". But that just made things even worse and the ship continued to fall towards the black star. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate! (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan), However, Admiral Kirk and his senior staff stole the Enterprise from Earth Spacedock to save their friend Spock, who had given his life to save the Enterprise following the encounter with Khan. (VOY: "Flashback"), The Excelsior, however, played a key role in the Khitomer Conference shortly thereafter, by assisting the USS Enterprise-A in its battle at Khitomer against General Chang's prototype Bird-of-Prey, and by arriving at the Conference in time to arrest Fleet Admiral Cartwright. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy"). Sulu and McCoy both tried to theorize what might have happened to the ship, with Sulu suggesting it blew up and McCoy suggesting it hit the planet. Sulu was nearly injured when a technical malfunction caused the helm console to overload and explode in his face. With the crises past, Kirk then ordered shore leave for the whole entire crew of the Enterprise on the planet. Affiliation: Then McCoy appeared alive, and healed, with two cabaret girls from Rigel II on both of his arms (making Yeoman Barrows jealous, so he handed one off to Sulu and the other to Spock, with McCoy going to spend time on vacation with Barrows.) When the interphase region near Tholian space drove Chekov temporarily insane he snapped and attacked Sulu, who happened to be the closest person to him. As the surface temperature dipped to twenty degrees below zero, he reported back to the Enterprise that he couldn't "exactly call it balmy," as the thermal heaters that were transported to the surface for them to use did not function. Sulu, however, told him that his attitude was "all wrong". After Spock subdued Sulu with a Vulcan nerve pinch, Sulu was taken by two crewmen to sickbay. Star Trek App-Enabled Interactive Tribble. He paused a moment to assess her as she sat down. Sulu slumped on the helm console when he passed out from the ultrasonics. Sulu them backed down, but fortunately for the crew they didn't have to deal with Henoch much more after that. But when it came to traversing by foot, he wasn’t so fast. George Takei has commented on why a Star Trek spinoff focused on Hikaru Sulu would be a great idea, citing the fan love for the character, as well as previous ideas for original productions. This also caused Kirk, unaware of the change of course and departure from the orbit of Triacus, to have two crewmen have their molecules beamed into and spread throughout space and to their deaths. As Sulu on “Star Trek,” George Takei could travel at the speed of light. Children: Unfortunately the intoxication just built into him to the point where he started fancying himself as the reincarnation of D'Artagnan, imperiling crew members in the corridors with a fencing foil. So Kirk ordered Sulu to flank speed ahead to make orbit around the black star which did work. Then Sulu and McCoy were chased by a two-headed dragon. They then got to see a recorded image of Losira welcoming her fellow Kalandans to the colony and explained that it had been destroyed by a disease that they accidentally produced when they created the outpost and as the last survivor Losira did not believe she would survive until after help arrived and had set the station's defense mechanism on automatic, using images of herself to defend against other lifeforms. In a deleted scene from TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver", Sulu revealed that he often enjoyed watching, during his boyhood, Fu Manchu movies about the Sino-Western trouble, in which the villains were Orientals. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country), Sulu's career was honored by Starfleet with his holographic portrait being placed in Starfleet Headquarters. (TOS: "Shore Leave"; TAS: "The Slaver Weapon"), He also enjoyed swordplay, in particular fencing (although he was once asked if the purpose of fencing were actually shish kebab) with this activity reminding him of some of his favorite characters of Earth history, namely the French musketeers and the Japanese samurai. From shop DaleRaeDesigns. Sulu later told Spock that Chekov had exhibited several spasms of pain beforehand. No time. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday"), For a short time Sulu fell under the mind control of the computer Landru on the planet Beta III, until Kirk and Spock were able to destroy the computer which allowed Scott to inform them that Sulu had returned to his normal reliable self. McCoy and Nurse Chapelfail to save Tormolen's life, despite the fact that "his wounds were not that severe", leaving a confounded McCoy to speculate his patient had simply lost his will to live. Chekov also took over the duty of tactical officer from Sulu. As it turned out, the master computer had kidnapped Uhura and was holding her hostage but at first no one could figure out why. To conceal the Excelsior's approach to Qo'noS, Sulu ordered the Excelsior on a five hour journey through the Azure Nebula to obscure their approach, and it was there that the vessel encountered a Klingon battle cruiser, commanded by Captain Kang. He also had direct control of the robot grain ship's that the Enterprise was escorting to Sherman's Planet, and was responsible for attempting to fly them into the Devisor during the last ditch effort to stop the Devisor. Unfortunately Spock-Kollos forgot to put back on the visor, which caused Spock to go temporarily insane while still on the bridge. Enterprise, 2270 – Promoted to lieutenant commander, assigned to refit U.S.S. The last assault that happened to Sulu during the Enterprise's original five-year mission also was the second one by a computer and this time it was the Enterprise computer itself that assaulted him and two other members of the crew. Japanese American actor George Takei played Lieutenant Sulu in the original 'Star Trek' television series and movies and is a popular social-media presence. Sulu, as with the rest of the crew, was first reduced to pre-adolescence and had no idea what the helm was, how to run the helm or what the controls were in front of him. Then everyone noticed that Uhura had not beamed back. Fortunately after returning the ship to their universe, the crew was able to return to their normal age by using the transporters. However, Gene Roddenberry addressed this issue (among others) in a six-page memo of script notes he sent Gene L. Coon (on 15 August 1966). GEORGE TAKEI Star Trek Signed 11x14 COA Hikaru Sulu Mulan The Green Berets 1. (TOS: "Shore Leave") He later admitted his unfamiliarity with rural life, during a landing party mission to Omicron Ceti III, where he was also reviewing the planet's plant life, explaining that, "When it comes to farms, I wouldn't know what looked right or wrong if it were two feet from me." (TOS: "The Man Trap"). Sulu takes command of the Enterprise during the encounter with the Klingons. I was supposed to be collecting leaves, plant specimens." Demora Sulu (daughter) Active (2293) Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu is a Human Starfleet officer assigned to the U.S.S. The computer played a series of practical jokes on the three of them, trapping them in a deep hole in a forest, trapping them in a raging blizzard and then in a garden maze. PRE-ORDER. In Dwellers in the Crucible, Sulu was sent undercover as a Romulan into the Romulan Star Empire after the Romulans kidnap six Federation hostages. Hikaru Sulu at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki. (TOS: "The Deadly Years"), They both expressed surprise at Scott's attraction to the bookish Lieutenant Mira Romaine, although Sulu wondered aloud if Scott had even noticed her brain yet. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country). In trying to find away into the master computer's control room, the four men were chased into a cave by two pterodactyls and trapped in the cave for quite a few minutes by a giant Cheshire type cat. At the same time, however, an ancient magnetic organism returned to the Enterprise in the transporter beam along with the landing party. Utilizing this magic, Sulu conjured for himself a beautiful female companion. By 2265, he had graduated from Starfleet Academy and was assigned as an astrophysicist and later alpha-shift helmsman aboard USS Enterprise. When the woman reappeared the next morning she was there to touch and kill Kirk. (citation needed • edit). When the three of them ran to where D'Amato was they found him on the ground dead. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture), Sulu had one daughter, Demora, who was born during the 2270s, and later assigned to the USS Enterprise-B in 2293.

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