planets in astrology meaning

The Moon shows how the earliest life’s experience defines your reactions to ups and downs in your everyday life. Their true potential can only be unlocked in extreme situations. The personal planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Something that’s behind this person’s every action. The longing that’s natural for any human being. Along with that, Uranus people have a sensitive nervous system and more often than not, they are incurable optimists. The position of the Moon in a horoscope is especially important to women. That’s where your confidence, ability to open new doors and take life as it is, and desire to grow both physically and spiritually come from. They aspire to make this world a better place but often bring destruction and chaos instead. For ancient people they were gods and modern astrology sees them as archetypes. You see, a natal chart is your very own personal horoscope built based on the time, place, and date of your birth. Planet Meaning and Description: The Moon governs your emotional attachments. If Mars was retrograde when you were born, you direct your energy internally, and probably avoid confrontation. People with weakened Saturn don’t have any concrete criteria for assessing the world around them. In astrology, the planets are divided into three categories: personal planets, social planets, and collective planets. The thing is astrologers identify the Sun and the Moon as planets too. They like new things, can’t stand conservatism. It represents your very fundamental, instinctive need in protection and security. See a recent post on Tumblr from @blckastrology about planets-in-astrology. Neptune rules the zodiac signs of Pisces and the twelfth house. They show mercy to fallen enemies and have distinct ideas of honor and dignity. The emotional state is strongly connected to the sense of your own body because this body is the sphere of influence of the Moon. Once you have your natal chart before you, you’ll see 10 planets, 12 astrology houses, and 12 zodiac signs arranged in a certain order. People with the Moon in this position tend to be emotionally unstable, quick-tempered. As distinct from the fixed natal picture, transiting planets are the constantly changing its positions and interpretation. One movement is flowing throughout our space, heavens, and Earth. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Astrology interprets this planet as a karmic law and the “you reap what you saw” principle. It also represents the archetype of the Father. It’s just that they find it hard to express the Moon qualities openly. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express written permission from this site's owner is strictly prohibited. Some people report significant events, and others do not correlate anything significant in their lives. If there are multiple planets in Angular houses on a natal chart, one’s life will be bright, vivid, and rich. Solar energy is the driving force of life. If Jupiter was stationary when you were born, you have strong points of view and principles. It often deals with art, fashion, or advertising. The latter becomes more pronounced when the astrology planet is weakened by a negative aspect. All astrology planets have specific functions within the Zodiac, astrology planets meaning the heavenly bodies as they travel within the celestial sphere. It’s an unpleasant type that’s hard to talk to, they always keep their distance. In a man’s horoscope, Venus will show the type of women this man likes to spend time with. People who have Mars in Cancer on their natal chart try to seem strong and sometimes even do their best to get jacked to impress others. Venus is a planet of luck and good fortune, but not as much as Jupiter. Venus in Pisces is also connected with a sense of sympathy. Without its heat and light, we are nothing but an ice-ball. Such people are vain, proud, arrogant, and want to take control of others. Mars is what gets you up and going every day. Each one of the “new” planets got its domicile sign too: The Septener planets that ruled these signs earlier have received the title of the planets of minor rulership. Planets and houses, moon signs, rising signs, eclipses, retrogrades and transits, etc. If you've ever wondered why some people need a lot of assurance while others are quite confident, look to their Moon sign. Planets and Their Meanings. In Roman mythology, Mercury was the winged messenger of gods. Transit aspects of Pluto can be quite lengthy and last for up to three years. The influence of positive aspects makes Mars offer qualities like confidence, decisiveness, energy, and ability to act fast. They are inquisitive and often motivated by interesting ideas and can always find out-of-the-box approaches to problem-solving. By figuring out your strengths and weaknesses with the help of your natal chart you’ll be able to learn what you need to change to increase your life’s quality. So why do you need to learn which planet is strong and which one is weak? It also means approval from others necessary for you to love yourself. Planet Mars rules zodiac signs of Aries and Scorpio, as well as the first and eighth houses. For the majority of people who try to analyze their personal horoscope, it’s very important to know which planets on your natal chart are in strong positions and which ones are weak. This planet symbolizes the desire for rebelling and freeing oneself from the shackles the circumstances put on us. After all, you can improve any negative planetary influence, decrease its intensity, and this way, make your life so much better. In the worst case, they are liars, swindlers, false prophets that easily manipulate others. It’s the god’s sparkle in one’s soul, the essence of life that motivates you to keep looking for new ways of self-expression. At the same time, they are noble, fair, and have a strong desire to protect the weak and to sacrifice themselves to protect others. If Neptune was stationary when you were born, you may be quite artistic, but not very realistic. As a result, Pisces have strong business skills and financial acumen. As a result, there are seven astrology planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Sometimes it might even mean physical deformities. The latter ones turned out to be planets. You're probably familiar with the major planets in astrology.After all, their archetypes, relationships with one another, and movements through the zodiac are what the study of astrology … Today, a woman has every right to experiment with her Sun energy however she pleases. People marked by the influence of Uranus possess an independent spirit and way of thinking. The Sun rules Leo and the 5th house. It’s in charge of all driving forces that help you accept any challenge and mobilize yourself in the face of danger. People strongly influenced by Jupiter are active and restless. Saturn is the planet overseeing your career, business, and wealth. Astrologically, when we try to understand the meaning of a planet moving backward, the first thing to note is that it's a fairly rare occurrence. Neptune leads you to the world of fantasies and unlimited opportunities. However, exalted signs are not always in sync with the planets. It’s not so much about harsh actions as about smooth and subtle change. They always try to present themselves as strong-willed but they quickly lose interest in whatever it is they start. People under the strong influence of Neptune feel the influence of the social environment with particular acuteness. Besides all that, Neptune is also in charge of empathy and heightened susceptibility. All its qualities are unlocked in their true natural form and there’s nothing that keeps them from doing so. They love bringing knowledge to others; many of them are wonderful teachers. The Moon is not as influential in male horoscopes. If Jupiter was retrograde when you were born, you're quite philosophical, but tend to keep your beliefs to yourself. They bear connection with psychic energy and motivations we express in this way or another. The positions in which planets are the strongest are called domicile. The fastest is the Moon at 28 days. Jupiter and Saturn have slower cycles. It also oversees money – both spending and receiving (earning). There are planets that are considered ‘good’ and there are planets considered ‘bad’. Our Solar System is gravitationally bound system which … Saturn gives one the desire to stand out in their social environment. The Planets and their meaning in Astrology. The outer planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto — take seven years or more to move through the zodiac, which explains why each generation can be identified by a specific movement or feeling … That’s when individualism turns into maximalism and takes the shape of the extremely loud desire to assert oneself. The assessment of these positions is the key task for anyone who tries to read a natal chart. Under the influence of positive aspects, Mercury offers the ability to communicate, start new relationships. It’s also rather weak in Leo where it’s in the fall. Uranus Astrology - Uranus the god I represent the sudden and unpredictable changes that occur in your life. They have a hunger for knowledge and are always ready to learn something new and interesting. Negative aspects generate accidents, nervous breakdowns, and disorders, some unexpected sudden events. Planet Meanings and Description: Jupiter governs your ethics, your philosophy about life, where you're lucky, where you're abundant, where you're cautious, and where you want to learn and how you can benefit from that knowledge. They always feel like fish out of water in a big company and would much rather prefer being in a small circle of friends and familiar places. The inner planets — sun, moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus — move quickly through the zodiac, which means they affect us on a more personal, intimate level. Their opinions and views usually depend on their emotional state. Weakened by negative aspects, Mercury translates into gossip, verbal fights, false information. People strongly influenced by Saturn are loners. The sun sign of gives us the basic understanding of how a person makes their choices, why they do what they do. It embodies the human need in safety, security, protection, giving and taking, nurturing. They have a fast, grasping memory but it’s rather fleeting. The energy of Pluto might be even dangerous. The reasons are, as always, deep inside one’s subconscious. Let’s say there’s a woman called Linda who struggles to build a meaningful romantic relationship and create a family. The influence of Uranus is about breaking free from the limitations and convention of everyday life. There are four principles planetary relationships are based on: A planet positioned in the sign of its rulership manifests its influence freely, fully, and to the maximum of its potential. At some points in life, they can feel the negative influence of the planets and at others their positive side. The position of Uranus on a natal chart shows the level of one’s desire for changes. There’s this principle of similarity astrology is based on: all that is above mirrors everything that happens below. Some meanings are more obvious than others. Instead of that, the planets reflect a human’s soul in all its facets. When learning astrology, it is very helpful to learn and memorize the opposite sign pairs. If a planet on your natal chart is positioned in the sign of its rulership, it will affect both your character and your destiny. Meaning of Planets and Asteroids. They are decisive and quick to act, ruthless to their enemies, unappeasable and headstrong. Saturn in Capricorn offers one the ability to overcome obstacles and move towards their goals whatever the cost. Apart from that, the astrology planet of Mars is related to physical attraction, strength, and regeneration. Sun Planet Meaning in Astrology. It’s about everything that’s out of this world, what dreams are made of. It also involves events that happen in an instant, such as accidents or love at first sight. This, however, doesn’t keep them from being pragmatic and practical. That’s how the planets in your birth chart can affect your life in a major way. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were discovered later, so appropriate corrections were introduced. Each planet has only one exaltation sign: It’s worth noting that there is still a lot of arguing about the signs of exaltation. In traditional Indian astrology only Seven Planets or Grahas (Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Mercury) are consider as actual planets. If for some reason a woman refuses to assume an active role in life, she will inevitably project her Sun energy on her partners. This planet destroys the boundaries of ego and brings you to a higher, collective form of existence. The type of planetary influence depends on what sign it’s in at that moment. The same planets, and thus the same influences, are present in everyone's chart. Why Are Planets so Important in Astrology—and What Do They Mean? Strong Sun helps one to show qualities like honor, generosity, patronage, leadership. Without this energy, there is no progress but the necessity of change might be painful. Astrology Degrees and Meaning. Apart from that, there are also so-called Septener planets: The Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. As previously mentioned, planets in astrology are multi-dimensional entities that can have many different meanings depending onto which realm real principle is projected. Along with that, it points out personal issues, problems with self-actualization, insecurities, even psychological blocks. They live by their own rules and just don’t understand why they must defer to others. The Sun, the Moon and the planets specific configuration during the day of your birth and also the transits along the celestial vault in the past, present and future have a great influence in astrology. The reason is the three planets that were discovered much later than the planets of the Septener. And that, of course, is a great thing. By learning each astrology planet name + meaning, we can select the talisman best suited to a particular spiritual journey and moment. This is why it’s so important to use services like Astromix. Go beyond Sun signs and learn astrology in-depth side of astrology. And while it’s far from being impossible to build one yourself, it’s better to entrust it to a professional astrologer. Pay attention to important placements or several planets in Aries, such as an Aries Sun, Moon, or ascendant. It helps to pay for our web hosting. This article explain about significance of 9 planets in vedic astrology and their role and importance. So it’s connected with childhood and curiosity. Jupiter orbits the Sun in 11. It rules the signs of Taurus and Libra, as well as the second and seventh houses. It’s also known as the morning star or the evening star because it’s the most visible at dawn or at dusk. No matter where Mercury is positioned on a natal chart, it always says about curiosity, resourcefulness, flexibility, and readiness to try something new. It happens when the planet starts moving backward over the Zodiac. It offers a sense of confidence in your capabilities, the spirit of hope and optimism. These people are cool-headed in any circumstances, they are clear thinkers and have a deep understanding of things. This planet defines one’s aspiration for something bigger and gives hunger for the unknown and mysterious. The position of this planet in your natal chart can show if you can impose your will on others. Planet Meanings and Description: Neptune governs what inspires you and where you're easily deceived. Rahu and Ketu are the points where paths of the sun and the moon coincide with each other. The following is a brief interpretation for each planet. Where others get lost, they start acting and taking control, assuming leadership. They are called fast-moving planets because they travel through the entire zodiac quickly. Find out what the Universe has in store for you… learn the secrets of working with your astral energies… Discover the incredible success and happiness that can be yours when you know how to work in sync with your Highest Self…. When under its influence, one can be overly sensitive, detached from reality. It also shows your fears and misgivings that give birth to your sense of insecurity. If you want to learn the meaning of your empty houses in astrology, here’s a short overview. The planets today shows you where the planets are now as a live display - a free online orrery. They are all about establishing friendly relationships and predicting future events. Time to Transit Between Signs: 1 Month; Rules: Leo; Keywords: Ego, Basic Personality, Consciousness, Vitality, Stamina; The sun in astrology symbolizes the basic personality and the self. The planet rules two zodiac signs: Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as the ninth and twelfth houses. They can find an approach to any person, they act quietly and calmly but confidently and persistently. It makes you realize the motivations behind your actions and explore hidden depths of your personality to be able to come up and see the light. More from Spirit. Fast planets (the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) move relatively quickly. Only celestial bodies like Rahu and Ketu, which are not actual planets but points in the sky are not zodiac signs. This is our physical energy, action, initiation and drive. Mercury is about relationships. W hat happens when you count all the planets in each element and one type is missing? They try to get rid of the latter ones as best as they can. Now it’s worth noting that it doesn’t mean that Capricorn and Scorpio women are bad mothers. Traditional astrology believes that Cadent houses do not see the Ascendant. In its highest expression, Mars is a planet of heroes, knights, driven people capable of great acts of bravery. Its detriment is in Capricorn and fall in Scorpio. It’s these signs that have the biggest problems with speech. It sparkles conflicts, destroys relationships, and provides for unsuccessful trips. But it can also mean a firm resolve to reach one’s goals. But even though Uranus states the necessity of radical changes, they are rarely welcome. Mars in Scorpio, on the other hand, is more rational and less impulsive. They would rather skim the cream than bother delving deeper. It can take quite some time to develop a working knowledge of the planets' principles, and one could say that as long as you continue to study astrology, you will also conti… The Sun and Moon are also included, as they have a powerful effect on our star charts. A modern person might get surprised and confused when looking at astrology planets. There are nine planets described in Astronomy whereas Vedic Astrology tells about seven major planets. They don’t like turning communication into a joke and prefer specificity and conciseness. These people won’t keep any unnecessary information in their minds. He is perceptive but completely impartial and free from the restrictions of ethics. Planets In Astrology. For example, Venus shows how we are attracted to beauty. Technically, the planets are always in transit, as in “on the move.” But in astrology, “transit” is a term of art. You will notice that the Sun and the Moon are included in this list. Planets in Vedic astrology . This astrology planet rules the sign of Cancer and the fourth astrology house. Negative aspects make the Moon even more petulant, whiny, and nitpicky. Its influence is especially strong with women. This means that the Moon is like a book on your previous emotional and physical experience. The planet reminds you that in order to get out of the vicious circle of doubts and perplexity, you need faith. However, it didn’t change for astrology, so astrologers still use the terms of old. Capricorns are reserved and seemingly cold and insensitive. The “outer planets” — Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto — move slowly, changing signs every one to fifteen years. The first thing you have to do is get a natal chart. Planets and houses, moon signs, rising signs, eclipses, retrogrades and transits, etc. If Neptune was retrograde when you were born, you may have a tendency to escape from reality. It’s your subconscious trying to let you know about the events of the nearest future. Uranus is the weakest in Leo and Cancer where the planet is in detriment. The Planets in Mundane Astrology. They can’t live a peaceful life and deep inside they are always looking for extreme circumstances. In an empty house, you can expect a less complicated scene: when there are no planets, there is less energy you have to use in the corresponding life areas. As the planet of karma and restriction, I am here to remind you that hard work and effort will ultimately pay off and make you a stronger individual. After all, they are the kind that turns everything upside down. Children need order and discipline for their own good and safety. This retrograde will cause delays and form drawn-out situations. But if a planet is in the Fall and in an Angular house (gets additional Ascendant power), this horoscope owner will achieve their goals by any means possible. That’s why many people tend to suppress it. They do, however, try their best to take leading positions and teach others what to do. It’s somewhat different in Pisces. Venus rules both Taurus and Libra but its influence on these signs is different. Pluto rules the zodiac sign of Scorpio and the eighth house. They often strengthen the tendency for excessive consumption of food and sweets, weight gain, avarice, and greed. From an astrological viewpoint, Uranus is a driving force that motivates one to protest against the established order of things. It is when it is placed in the sign it rules. Here it reveals qualities like tenacity, unbreakable will, and ability to achieve goals at any cost. In astrology, Mercury represents the planet of communication, energy, creativity and introspection. There was an advantageous moon phase for every activity. In transits, Jupiter might generate dragged out situations that can last for months. Some of these meanings are more obvious than others. Retrograde Meaning in Astrology. They want to be well-respected, be in the center of all attention, and they have great organizing skills. For instance, if you have no planets in water signs in your horoscope, they would say that you can’t express emotions (some even say that you have no emotions! Here we can see great business skills, practicality, earthiness, ability to find rare things. In terms of astrology, Neptune symbolizes one’s perception of perfection and ideals. In case if the majority of planets in one’s horoscope are in Cadent houses, they will have to spend a great deal of effort and energy to get what they want. They are very sensitive and quite vulnerable, capable of experiencing deep emotion. It embodies the need to test your own strength and bravery. They’ve got a well-developed social instinct and they see their own place in the social hierarchy pretty well. All planets positioned in these houses have half the strength of the Angular houses. Saturn makes people reserved, restrained, patient. This is where the astrology houses meaning comes in. They’ll just forget everything that’s not interesting to them quickly. Here’s a simple example. But it brings the best results if you use it consciously. The way people saw planets changes substantially. You just have to be good at managing and organizing things. The zodiac sign and the house that accommodate the Moon on a natal chart will give a more detailed description of what gives you that sense of confidence. In the worst-case scenario, Saturn makes one offish, grim, and melancholic. Mercury’s astrological role is about mind, cognition, and consciousness. Hence the keen perception of someone’s grief, empathy, and sympathy. Now, let's look at the outer astrology planets and how they affect our lives... Uranus. The Sun and the Moon rule one sign each. Some people report significant events, and others do not correlate anything significant in their lives. Mars likes testing your strengths, your courage by putting all kinds of challenges in your way. Of course, the Sun and the Moon are not planets. Saturn imposes certain restrictions without which our life would be chaotic. It is when a planet is in a sign of similar nature but it does … In relying only on the standard, or even traditional planets in your chart interpretation, you will miss out on very important information regarding your life path and future. It upsets her that she is still single and alone while all her friends got married and have kids. Pluto is the strongest in Scorpio. They always feel how they can influence people in the best way possible. They tend to not recognize any ideals or authorities and sometimes even try to destroy them and challenge traditional views. They are very independent, suspicious of others, and don’t like it when others meddle in their business. Angular houses give maximum strength, Succedent houses give medium strength, and Cadent houses give minimum strength. Venus people can’t stand rudeness and try to solve all problems in the smoothest way possible. But that’s when people started to realize the oneness of all that’s around them and all that’s above. Read More about the Sun Here its influence falls on the intellect and offers the ability to restrain oneself, wait for the right moment for action. More often than not, it shows which areas of life will make you struggle. A split horizontally produces a southern hemisphere and a northern hemisphere.The hemisphere on the left side of the chart is the eastern hemisphere with the extreme eastern point, the eastern horizon, being the Ascendant. Planet Meaning and Description: The Sun is the most important planet in your chart. In astrology, the Sun is about will, integrity, self-actualization. The first, numerous category, are people being dragged along by the planet’s influence. It shows where you receive financial benefit and how generous you are with others. Mercury in Gemini makes prominent speakers, journalists, mediators. It helps one to find their place in life and work on achieving long-term goals.

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